Spring 2020 MYSTERY Quilt Step Four; BORDERS!
[NOTE: 5/5/20... I learned that there was a problem downloading the PDF Border links due to a broken link... The Links have been FIXED so the PDF's can now be downloaded for both Mystery Quilts without any issues. The links are found within the instructions for...
Bored? How ’bout a Daily Quilt Show?
So, I'm reading in many Facebook posts how people are getting quite bored. Since we have another month (at least) of quarantine, I thought I'd offer a "Daily Quilt Show" of the many, many quilts I have here at the house! You can find all my postings out on my...
Spring 2020 Mystery Quilt: STEP THREE
Spinning Attic Windows & Shades of Spring Blocks and Layout! Now that you have all your pieces cut out and ready, let's get our blocks pieced together and get the center of our quilt(s) sewn as well! Spinning Attic Windows Block: Each block for the Spinning...
Spring Mystery Quilt Step #2! (Spin on Attic Windows & Shades of Spring)
Are you ready for Step 2 of our Spring Mystery Quilts? Do you need a bit of a break from sewing face masks? When I started breaking needles sewing over pins on the folds of my face masks, I decided it was time for me to take a break from that project and work on...