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Crumb Crazy Goodness – Quilt on Point

This Crumb quilt uses 7.5" Crumb and Cream squares, 2.5" x 7.5" strips, 2.5" bright/dark squares, and 8.5" royal blue squares cut on the diagonal to make setting triangles. The corner triangles are made by simply cutting the setting triangle ... see video which...

Floating Crumbs Quilt – Using your STASH!

For this quilt, grab your crumb blocks (I've used 7.5" square crumb blocks for this pattern) and 2.5" WOF strips from a dark and a light fabric. I'm using black fabric to create the shadows and gray fabric for the background.  My video tutorial (below) takes you...

Shamrock Table Runner with Couched Cording

Here is Table Runner #3 for the year 2025! This is a fun Shamrock runner where I use applique and couched cording. Have fun learning these two techniques! Scrap Up Your Stash With Me Video: Video Tutorial Speedy Solutions to...